Sunday, July 4, 2010

As real as Red gets....

Unless one were posting an actual photo of a woman dressed like this would be the only way for somebody to have a visual of what RED SONJA would look like in reality if she were walking right by you out in the real REAL world.  Looking at this painting I notice the hard athletic ( BUT SEXY ) body and can feel the strength and power a woman like this would actually have.  Trying to imagine who would best play the role of RED in a movie were it made 30 or so years ago.  This particular painting I see a little Raquel Welch and a little Adrienne Barbeau.  But even the  vivacious Raquel and the voluptuous Adrienne never had physique's like this.   But I am highly impressed by the photo realistic qualities of this artists skills.  Not too realistic so as not to forget it's a painting.


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  2. She's bit too muscular and toned for my taste, but sure has the attitude of Red Sonja that made me name my daughter as Sonja couple years ago. And she sure grows up for her name.
