Is anyone aware of this? There was either going to be a cartoon or the pitch is out there yet not picked up? Anyone got any news about it? Drop us a line. Character sheet by James Groman...1960?...check out his blog ( James Groman )
wtf....yeah right. ;) Whats with that big assed ass?...Nice line work though...
Its a nice gag but they should have gone with 1980 instead (or even 85) to capitalize on the movie.
ReplyDeleteStill, I do like the art.
David is right... it is FAUX... The Metal Bikini was not invented until the 70s... And neither the name changed to Red Sonja...
ReplyDeletesou desenhista amador, queria postar uns desenhos meus, mas nao consigo, entao visitem meu blog "desenhodetudo.blogspot.com" e comentem, e me ensinem como postar desenhos neste site
ReplyDeleteSilvio, somente as pessoas que são "Contributors", pode postar aqui. Você pode clicar no link e-mail e enviar as fotos para Darius, e talvez ele irá publicá-las para você.
ReplyDeleteDesculpem a tradução, eu não falo Português.