Thursday, October 30, 2014

No Red Sonja ongoing in January

So rather disturbing, there is no Red Sonja solicitation for January other than Vulture's Circle.... Whats going on? Another relaunch? A minor hiatus?....

1 comment:

  1. According to this interview Simone is going on to issue 18 as well as working on the Conan crossover and a Women of Dynamite crossover. None of this thrills me. It sounds like they may reboot after 18 but who knows. The spin in the article is how wonderful Simone is. Maybe the January absence is an oversight, or some delay with Simone biting off more than she can chew with 3 books at Dynamite plus the upcoming DC work as well as anything else. Anyway, she will be gone eventually, thank Crom, Tarim, and Mitra.
