Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Finch's Cover Revealed

And almost with no time left to breathe in between posts, Dynamite has revealed the final version of this first official incursion of Finch into the Hyrkanian world. The title to be graced by this wonderful Sonja as slayer of Giants was also announced as being issue #1 of the upcoming RED SONJA: THE PRICE OF BLOOD, “an early chapter of the She-Devil's adventures, featuring a less refined and more bloodthirsty Hyrkanian heroine”. 

As fr the cover, it stands for itself in each of the four versions on offer. As does this regal, yet melancholy Sonja featured on it.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

RED IN B&W: David Finch Cover


Meanwhile, I found out Finch has posted a bigger reveal of his Red Sonja upcoming cover in his own blog... almost two monthes ago (shame on me!). The picture looks just as good in simple B&W. Let's wait and see what D'Armata will add to it.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

RED ON RED: David Finch Cover

In keeping up with the Indiegogo theme, Dynamite is announcing the launch of an upcoming campaign related to a new comic featuring our beloved Red. As is always the case with Dynamite’s self-congratulatory hype, this “new exclusive Red Sonja collectible comic ” will feature a “never before seen take on the She-Devil With a Sword”, but it is not forthcoming any details. More interesting, however, is the glimpse of the gorgeous cover by David Finch. This is a gloriously pretty Red Sonja, at the same time imperious and delicate, and I hope once it’s finalized with colors by Frank D’Armata, the cover won’t loose any of the raw impact it has in simple black ink over red. This is the first cover by Finch for Red Sonja. By the look of it, it was worth the wait.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Jim Balent Indiegogo Cover

 While Im on about Frank Cho's cover, I suppose I should mention Jim Balent's special $40 cover (if you live in the UK). I dunno...something feels off about the art.

Frank Cho Red Sonja Sketch Covers

 Recently Frank Cho did a Kickstarted and a Indiegogo for a special cover of Red Sonja #13, while I'm not a fan of established companies using crowdfunding for special comic covers, one of the options was to get an original sketch cover which can be seen above. The wheatcakes outrage cover was made available on eBay and the price as of typing is at $720. 
The actual cover from the Kickstarter, it would have set you back $20, and if like me you live in the Uk, and further $20 for shipping....

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Red Sonja The Superpowers

 Another reality hopping, time traveling series....At this point is it really worth continuing to support Ole Red?