Queen Sonja #2 finally came out last week (or the week before, I forget) and I only just got around to reading it (and the last couple of issues of
Conan). Great stuff.
The cover is another Luccio Parrillo masterpiece (though I'm not entirely sure what it has to do with the story).

The story is progressing...interestingly. I'm not sure how Norse gods ended up in Robert E Howard's universe, but who couldn't love a throwdown with Thor, Loki and Sonja? Although I've never seen Thor's hair in quite that color.

The Loki of this story seems a little too...
manly, too. I've always seen him represented and imagined him as more of a scrawny malcontent, not a powerful scheming dissident. But it works for the story.

This version of Loki certainly has no problem with the ladies. Look at the top frame, especially the girl in the foreground on the right side - that's a page right out of the Peter M Hsu playbook (
Elf Warrior,