There has been some rumors on the web that Rose and Robert are making a split. The Red Sonja movie is in the final editing stages from what I gather after reading articles from around the WWW. Looking at the images provided on the net it looks to me like they're keeping the real deal promo material for just before and after the release. But...Rose is still smokin' !
I have to say that I'm not excited by Rose McGowan in this part. I'm not crazy about her anyway, but she seems wrong for Big Red to me. I've always pictured someone more Europeon to pull it off. I imagine the german actress Senta Berger in her prime. Maybe even the late Marisa Mell from DANGER:DIABOLIK. It's that combination of real beauty, with the genuine attitude that would make for a truly satisfying Red Sonja, imo.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean. I see a young Sophia Loren type myself. I just like looking at rose posing with the sword. But you can bet...from movies like SIN CITY and FROM DUSK TILL DAWN and the GRINDHOUSE films..this is gonna be bloody.
ReplyDeleteNot started to film yet , they are doing Conan first , but both seem to be taking forever *sigh*
Rodriguez is making "Predators" now, so don't hold your breath for Red Sonja or Conan. He has a lot of projects lined up, but in Hollywood that doesn't mean they will all get made.
ReplyDeleteHalf the shit R.R. comes up with turns to dust (Barbarella). Add Rose to the mix, and you can go ahead and dig the grave. I like the guy's movies, but he really needs someone to get his ADD under control.